01 Minute
05 Minute
10 Minute
15 Minute
30 Minute
60 Minute
Even though the time-sensitive auction listings below are current to the second you surf to us, our technology does not permit us to give a "real-time" presentation of that data. Instead, the web page is created with data that is current at your time of arrival. A snap-shot. Then, we refresh that web page (the listing below) after some interval, to get once-again-current information.

We set the default interval to refreshed every 5 minutes. The 5 minute interval has been preselected because if you were actually bidding upon an item, you would be in a different screen anyway. So, 5 minutes on this screen is sufficient to allow you to closely monitor progress of various items through out the day.

Should you want to more closely scrutinize some items, you can set the interval down. Naturally, the tighter intervals become useless for slower Internet connections, so be prudent in your selection. When you do start bidding on an item, eBay has various additional functions to allow you to monitor and track.
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