
One may serf most AEDOK web pages and subdomains without charge or fee. Further, we welcome your curiosity & interest without requirement of becoming a member. There are however, advantages to becoming a member of AEDOK.

We classify your membership according to your involvement with AEDOK.

But all members participate in our myPieceOfActiontm Open-Ended Referral System whereby you accumulate discount credits even before you make a purchase. Be sure to click/mouseover that link after you have studied this membership information !

There are a number of membership levels as follows:

  1. Level 1 Observer Member

  2. Level 2 Participating Member

  3. Level 3 Supporting Member

  4. Level 4 Active Member

  5. Lifetime member

  6. Summary of The Membership Advantages

Level 1 - Observer Member

The first level of membership is Level 1 Observer Membership. A Level 1 Observer Member is one who has indicated interest in an , a simple yet powerful advisory and notification tool. Level 1 Observer Membership is free. AEDOK values curiosity and we promote it.

To become a Level 1 Observer Member all that is required is it to login. It's that simple! When you login the first time, you do so using a valid email address. This e-mail address is your primary email address which is kept in the strictest confidence and used only to contact you on matters concerning us both. You may change this email address at will. You may provide additional email addresses. Thru options, which you may change at will, for each of these email addresses you specify the level of exposure to the public should you decide to advertise or utilize our social network platform under development. Thru additional options, which you may change at will, you specify the level and type of content to be received at a specified email address.

We do not distribute these email addresses nor broadcasting them to the advertisers of the world. We are speaking here of notifications only from us at the AEDOK Suitetm of Websites & Domains.

For example, you wouldn't want a lengthy report sent to your cell phone. Instead, you might want the report sent to your working email address, and a brief notice sent to your cell phone. Or you might elect to received just a brief note and not even clutter your local Inbox, but rather, read the report online and let PAKITtm handle of the clutter. PAKITtm will also remember that you have not yet accessed a report and unobtrusively yet persistently, remind you through []passive persistent notification.

For example, []Primitive Frontier, one of our sister companies, plans to make available in 2016, survival techhiques, recipes and mountain things Ktm.

Meanwhile at AEDOK.org we plan to make available in 2016 numerous reports and educational materials created by our Level 4 Members. Much of it free of charge, some for a fee. But there is no fee for the notification.

We even have an option, read this carefully, whereby one may receive a notification when we establish a new class of notifications!

Why? Because we know we can't have something of interest to everybody ... yet. But AEDOK grows by having new Level 4 Members who add content based on their own lives and experiences which naturally are as diverse as the world itself! So whenever we add a new Level 4 Member he or she may be adding content of interest to you.

Other sites require that you log in periodically to find out what they're doing. That's part of their technique for getting new members. An effective technique, we don't deny it. But though it may reduce our traffic, frankly we have more respect for your limited time. As a member at any level, including the Level 1 Observer Member we are discussing here, one may in a matter of minutes select which classes of goods, services, and information are of interest. Then, one may indicate an interest in being notified upon our establishing a new class. Upon our establishment of such class, you shall receive a simple notice. You examine the specifics. If the entire class is of no interest, you turn it off with a single click, not hundreds. One may even specify specific classes or topics of interest that we do not currently have, and at any time: change, add, diminish, or delete this list.

Our Level 4 Active Members will be expounding upon all manner of topics ... sciences , arts, philosophy, skills and techniques, gardening, cooking, household activities ... automotive.

Anything that they know about, we are interested in telling you about, if you are interested in listening.

Eventually something will come up that will interest you. When it does you can be notified. Otherwise we will respect your privacy. Read this interesting anectdote about the snail mail version of eMail clutter Ktm we do not intend to duplicate at AEDOK.

The Level 4 Active Members mentioned above, are discussed later in this presentation. The next topic is Level 2 Participating Members.

Level 2 - Participating Member

The 2nd level of membership is Level 2 Participating Membership. A Level 2 Participating Member is one who has paid a Level 2 Participating Member Fee $25 or who has purchased goods and services from AEDOK who's total value within a calendar year equals or exceeds twicethe Level 2 Participating Membership Fee $50.

We sincerely appreciate your business and we appreciate even more your repeat business, and so reward and thus encourage continuation thereof with increase discounts according to increase business from Level 2 Participating Members.

Then, as long as the Level 2 Participating Member makes a purchase any purchase regardless of price within a year, the Level 2 Participating Membership is extended for a year from that purchase, therefore maintaining the benefits of Level 2 Participating Membership including the discounts.

But, should more than a year laps between purchases, then that membership expires and he is lowered to a Level 1 Observer Membership.

But of course even Level 1 Observer Members are entitled to various pricing or quantity discounts on specific items.

Put another way, less precisely, once you become a Level 2 Participating Member as long as you buy something, anything, at least once a year we are happy and we thank you by extending the discounts.

These calculations take place on the gross amount of sale. Naturally, taxes (if any) are not included. And for physical items, shipping & handling is not included. And further, for physical items there is a generous allocation for cost to the supplier so that our suppliers, very often Level 4 Active Members, are not asked to carry the burden of our generosity.

Our current progressive discount structure shown below is for exemplary purposes only and assumes a digital product (and therefore no cost). As stated above, these numbers are dramatically reduced for physical products with costs so as not to penalize our suppliers. Actual discounts are computed at time of purchase, subject to change without notice, and are final.

Level 2 Participating Member Discounts
Discounts are on any purchase after the first and are based upon the amount of the individual invoice before Taxes (if any), Shipping & Handling, and after deducting Costs for physical items. The chart below assumes a digital item, therefore no Taxes, Shipping, Handling, or Costs.
No Additional Fee
Gross Not Including T/S/H/C Discount % Net Price You Pay
$20 10 $18.00
$30 11 $26.70
$40 12 $35.20
$50 13 $43.50
$60 14 $51.60
$70 15 $59.50
$80 16 $67.20
$90 17 $74.70
$100 18 $82.00
$120 19 $97.20
$140 20 $120.00
$160 21 $126.40
$180 22 $140.40
$200 23 $154.00
$225 24 $171.00
$250 25 $187.50
$275 26 $203.50
$300 27 $219.00
$350 28 $252.00
$400 29 $284.00
$500 30 $350.00
$600 31 $414.00
$700 32 $476.00
$800 33 $536.00
$900 34 $594.00
$1000 35 $650.00
Become a Reseller
Actual discounts are computed at time of purchase, subject to change without notice, and are final.

Naturally, if you were to purchase hundreds of dollars worth of products you would want to first obtain a level Level 3 Suppordting Membership for even greater discounts discussed next.

Level 3 Supporting Member

The third level of membership is Level 3 Suppordting Membership. A Level 3 Supporting Member is one who has paid a Level 3 Supporting Member Fee $50 to $100 to receive greater discounts. Unlike the Level 2 Participating Member Fee which can be accumulated based on purchases, this Level 3 Supporting Member Fee must be paid out right.

Level 3 Supporting Membership is for those seeking a better deal. They anticipate that they will be purchasing a greater number of goods and services from the AEDOK Suitetm of Websites & Domains and planning ahead, they purchase a Level 3 Supporting Membership to acquire the greater discounts which ostensibly should exceed the cost of membership.

Some businesses engage in once in a lifetime opportunity discounts to play upon customer fear of losing out. Although AEDOK may have sales from time to time clearly limited by quantities available, or other simple sales limited by time such as "this month only", or our "Buy now while our supply of electrons last!" tm sales, AEDOK does not engage in engineered fear such as, "If you don't subscribe to the service now you may never have an opportunity like this again." We feel an offer should stand on its own merits, and even though more revenue might be garnered through fear manipulation, such techniques are actually uncivilized and repulsive.

And once AEDOK has established it's eStore.AEDOK.com, with hundreds of the highest quality gifts and furnishings for business or friends or one's own home, it will be most ecconomical to become a Level 3 Supporting Member as shown in the tables below.

AEDOK appreciates your support in our developmental times and is willing to forgo some future revenue for your support now.

Then, as long as the Level 3 Supporting Member makes cumulative purchases of $100 within a year, the Level 3 Supporting Membership is extended for a year from that accumulation date, therefore maintaining the benefits of Level 3 Supporting Membership including the discounts.

But, should more than a year laps without this $100 accumulation in purchases, then that membership expires and he is lowered to a Level 1 Observer Membership.

But again, of course even Level 1 Observer Members are entitled to various pricing or quantity discounts on specific items.

Electron Products
Discounts range from 50% off to 100%
In Proportion to the $50 to $100 Fee
Member Elected Increments Of $10
Discounts are on any purchase and are based on the individual invoice before Taxes (if any), No Shipping, Handling, or Costs because access is via Web Site.

We have not shown these 50% and 100% off tables because 50% off is half off and that is easy. Of course 100% off is free. Even easier.
Physical Products
Discounts range from 20% off to 40%
In Proportion to the $50 to $100 Fee
Member Elected Increments Of $10

The actual discount percentages are the same as for digital items but only after a generous deduction for costs, thus rendering it difficult to be precise.
Discounts are on any purchase and are based on individual invoice before Taxes (if any), Shipping & Handling, and after deducting Costs for physical items.
The tables below are for reference only. Actual prices computed at the time of purchase are final and may vary from these prices shown.
Level 3 Supporting Member Estimated Discounts
Discounts are on any purchase and are based upon the individual invoice before Taxes(if any), Shipping and Handling.
Fee $50, Discount 20%
Gross Not Including T/S/H Net Cost Break Even Including Fee
$20 $16 ( $46 )
$30 $24 ( $44 )
$40 $32 ( $42 )
$50 $40 ( $40 )
$60 $48 ( $38 )
$70 $56 ( $36 )
$80 $64 ( $34 )
$90 $72 ( $32 )
$100 $80 ( $30 )
$120 $96 ( $26 )
$140 $112 ( $22 )
$160 $128 ( $18 )
$180 $144 ( $14 )
$200 $160 ( $10 )
$225 $180 ( $5 )
$250 $200 $0
$275 $220 $5
$300 $240 $10
$350 $280 $20
$400 $320 $30
$500 $400 $50
$600 $480 $70
$700 $560 $90
$800 $640 $110
$900 $720 $130
$1000 $800 $150
Become a Reseller !
When AEDOK has implemented the reselling feature, this link will become active.
Prices Subject To Change Without Notice
Note: We see from the above that $250 in purchases is the break-even point. At that point, the discount have paid for the membership.

Because this is a FLAT discount, it is inconsequential as to whether one purchases $250 immediately, or over time. As long as it occurs within a year of membership.
Level 3 Supporting Member Estimated Discounts
Discounts are on any purchase and are based upon the individual invoice before Taxes(if any), Shipping and Handling.
Fee $100, Discount 40%
Gross Not Including T/S/H Net Cost Break Even Including Fee
$20 $12 ( $92.00 )
$30 $18 ( $88.00 )
$40 $24 ( $84.00 )
$50 $30 ( $80.00 )
$60 $36 ( $76.00 )
$70 $42 ( $72.00 )
$80 $48 ( $68.00 )
$90 $54 ( $64.00 )
$100 $60 ( $60.00 )
$120 $72 ( $52.00 )
$140 $84 ( $44.00 )
$160 $96 ( $36.00 )
$180 $108 ( $28.00 )
$200 $120 ( $20.00 )
$225 $135 ( $10.00 )
$250 $150 $0.00
$275 $165 $10.00
$300 $180 $20.00
$350 $210 $40.00
$400 $240 $60.00
$500 $300 $100.00
$600 $360 $140.00
$700 $420 $180.00
$800 $480 $220.00
$900 $540 $260.00
$1000 $600 $300.00
Become a Reseller !
When AEDOK has implemented the reselling feature, this link will become active.
Prices Subject To Change Without Notice
Note: We see from the above that $250 in purchases is the break-even point. At that point, the discount have paid for the membership.

Because this is a FLAT discount, it is inconsequential as to whether one purchases $250 immediately, or over time. As long as it occurs within a year of membership.

Level 4 Active Member

The fourth level of membership is Level 4 Active Membership. We feel here we have a wonderful creation and Level 4 Active Members share that opinion. A Level 4 Active Member is one who has paid a larger fee, or has paid NO FEE but agreed to pay a substantial percentage of hopefull revenue, in order to be associated with AEDOK in order to support his own Established Business fee or Start-up Business no fee or even just an experiment to create an alternature source of revenue to compliment one's current income no fee, all of which though are activities which are in some way complimentary to ours. Level 4 Active Members are of the opinion, as are we, that the individual goals of our respective businesses can be furthered by a close association and proximity, by using the AEDOK.org facility we have established.

Membership is not on a judgmental basisKtm nor are there any strenuous requirements save that one asserts and demonstrate he has one or more products or services conducive to education and agrees to follow our ethic.

The number of established businesses that might qualify could be beyond what one might normally think. It could easily extend even to attorneys.

There is an old statement,

"Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered." - Luke 11:52

That condition could be reversed if one were involved in, say, personal defense of liberties rather than ambulance chasing, or in patent or copyright law, estate planning, ... The list is endless as one can see that it's all a matter of what one intends to do with his knowledge and how he packages and presents it.

The number of start-up businesses is equally as great. Put simply, any individual with some useful knowledge that he can communicate, written, spoken or otherwise, could easily qualify and benefit from our association. Even entertainment as long as it is not denigrating or hateful.

An Entertainment Example

Stories. Take for example our own Grey Mouse Family on Wainscot Street. A delightful children's story. The manuscript of which was found in our archive. Or more correctly we should say, multiple parts, duplicates, and overlapping segments. Once assembled, merged, adjusted, and some blanks filled in, we could then published the book.

That alone would be worthy material for a domain. And we could have just published the book as indeed we had intended. And easily establish a following, a club.

But for a stroke of genius.

It was a children's book, but there were no pictures. It needed art. Where and how inexpensively to find the proper artist?

But there is no best cheesecake, as one will often hear us say, only a delightful variety. So, how could one, or more properly, why should one select an artist? This is the Internet, and as pointed out in the AEDOK open invitation to the world, there are virtually no space restrictions.

And further, what better way to get people involved then to engage those who think there is a best cheesecake.

An art contest!

The point of this anecdote is that one can take an asset and build upon it. Each of you reading this has some useful knowledge. It's merely a question of motivation.

An Intellectual Example

Philosophy. Take for example The Nature of Thought (tnot.aedok.com). An intellectual persuit. Notice how the entire website / domain is devoted to the single purpose of promoting a book a series. There are no external advertisements. There's no rambling analysis such as we are prone but for the analysis of the book itself. No use of extraneous hyperlinks, footnotes, or launching into Ktm's window, or other windows, or complex menus. A straightforward presentation. Many of you are capable of the same.

In the next section we discuss established businesses versus startup businesses.

Establish Business vs Start-up Business

Note: AEDOK's involvement in your website whether you are start up or established, is passive not active. Our main intent is simply to assist, often behind the scenes, in packaging it for more diverse, dynamic, user accessibility and interaction. A more complete user experience, to use current buzzwords.

At AEDOK we have neither the manpower nor the inclination to give advice nor interfere in your creativity.

We shall work in the background assimilating your work, giving you timely updates as we progress such that you may examine for yourself our combined work product, as we continue developing tools and resources to assist.

We really only make the distinction between establish business and start up business for your convenience. We do not require a proof of start date like the tax man does. It really makes no difference to us.

We are aware however, that an established business will be less willing to part with their income. And we make the distinction only in these discussion so that we may elucidate points which may be more germaine to one than the other. We don't even ask the question on the "application form".

For example. On one hand you may have been operating a business for years but consider an AEDOK Level 4 Active Membership a "start up expansion". On the other hand, you may be just starting but considerer your plans and abilities to be well established and accordingly select a fee structure to cut your expenses to the bone.

Level 4 Active Member, Website Format

Having said that, ...

You, whether you be a full blown operation or just starting or maybe even just experimenting, may join the AEDOK.org facility we have established as long as you assert and demonstrate that you have one or more products or services conducive to education and agree to follow our ethic.

You would be assigned a subdomain representative of the content that you intend to present, with some flexability at the lowest level, a name of your choice (subject to availability), which points to a directory on our servers, thus:


which points to:


The overall screen format would be an AEDOK format to promote our association, but the content would be yours and according to a page and web format you choose. Each screen format has two subformats.

The two screen subformats are: You can either participate in our advertising techniques, or opt out and use the form which has no external advertisements and which mearly estolls the virtue of our relationship by the virtue of our standardized framesets. In any subsequent discussion of formats there are always the two subformats.

Now, on the the actual formats. The simplest of our formats is of a double letterhead style, The first letterhead being ours, smaller but discriminating, and the second being yours, larger, with our high level links to our entire AEDOK family and preferences etc., at the top and links at the bottom, and between which fits your content over which we will establish no control.

You establish the exact format of the individual pages within that framing and their interaction with one another, forming your website. The layout, color scheme, style, narration. Thus you establish your own unique view and presentation.

AEDOK's additional windows and frames are merely there to provide you with greater flexibility and power in your presentation. For example, into Ktm's window you can quickly launch a brief discussion on a related or sub topic, or a footnote either large or small, the user being required to only mouseover your link, none of this activity interfering with the otherwise smooth and integrated flow of your web page. Why? Because the main content window into which you have placed your website content pages is not disturbed! Thus your user can return his eyes to your content window without need to do a back button and subsequently trying to figure out where he was on the page.

Also, you can launch narrow and very deep menus and sub menus into AEDOK's primary and secondary frames which the user can either click or mouseover at your descretion selecting content without disturbing the menus!

And, should your content require more space, and these menus and sub menus become unnecessary or in the way, they can be folded away, and then reestablished by the user by unfolding, when required again, or automatically if you launch another menu.

Yet, simplicity has its own virtue. please review our discussion of The Nature of Thought, above to see that you are free to express express yourself as you see fit.

Level 4 Active Member, Business Activity

Upon becomming a Level 4 Active Member, an account will be established and you will ftp directly to AEDOK.org/appropriate-subdirectory-like-edu/Your-Name/

You may conduct your entire business on our servers on your AEDOK subdomain for no additional cost, or may link to your own website providing that all goods and services provided by you at your website are also conspicuously displayed on your AEDOK subdomain web pages and any purchase at your website as a result of a link from your AEDOK subdomain, or from a surfer who first visits your AEDOK subdomain, leaves and subsequently navigates directly to your website, accrues to it the percentage fee to which we have agreed as though said purchase has occurred at your AEDOK subdomain. This shall be accomplished by each of your AEDOK subdomain web pages establishing a cookie on the surfers system specifying at least the initial web page and date and time visited, and of course any additional updating of your AEDOK subdomain database or your own database, that you require. AEDOK provides scripts to set and test for these conditions.

The specifications for the fields (columns) in the customer table and purchases table of your AEDOK subdomain database are simple and are downloadable. ?You may establish other tables within this database to suit your needs, but all such data must remain accessible to AEDOK so do not store within said tables any information you do not wish to share with AEDOK.

The easiest way to perform this linkage, that is if you decide to use the AEDOK facilities just simply as an additional form advertisement (sort of an index into your existing website) is to set up a few index or catalog pages at AEDOK.

This could be a very effective means of expanding your existing customer base. For absolutely no additional cost you have access to advertisement in a different venue. And the percentage fee you pay is on business and new customers you would not otherwise have.

But if you are creating this content from scratch, naturally we would prefer it be established on our server so that we can more readily integrated into our dynamic formats.

As to the fees we charge from ZERO to substantial amounts, since business profitabilities are as varied as the businesses themselves, 'one fee fits all' doesn't work here. Accordingly, AEDOK has established a table of combinations of percentages versus outright membership fees from which you may select. You may change your selection once a year (when you renew) to maximize your profits, so that AEDOK has the advantage of a year's worth of revenue at your selected rate but you are not locked into a less than maximum profitablity situation. We are not greedy nor should you be. The table reference is at the end of this subsection.

Purchases through your AEDOK sub domain must allow PayPal, as we offer that service to all AEDOK visitors, which also allows all major credit cards. If you do not use PayPal at your website we do not require that you modify your website in that regard.

However we do require that all purchases regardless of location (from your AEDOK subdomain visitors mentioned above) update your AEDOK subdomain customer database to reflect said purchases, such that we may have constant access to all such activities without interfering with or access to your accounting system.

Finally, when you fill out the application if you are already a lower level member and you wish to update your membership, be sure that you are logged IN first. On the other hand if you are already a lower level member and you wish to establish a new membership for this business relationship, be sure that you are logged OUT first. The choice is yours, we have no preference.

Level 4 Active Member, ZERO Fee Option

Keep in mind (as we pointed out above in the previous section regarding Active Member Established Businesses) we make no actual distinction between established and start-up businesses. This is merely to point out some advantages to you if you consider yourself a startup business.

By selecting the ZERO fee option you acquire a sub domain at no cost, and web space at no cost, and can immediately begin building your website as discussed above. At no direct, or up front, cost to you.

In return, You agree that AEDOK obtains an undivided equal interest in all material you present at your AEDOK Sub Domained Website (such as for example copyright and licensing rights) and a commission structure of 50 percent of all revenue generated from any such material, regardless of the subsequent location, form, or means of such revenue generation. If you keep all such material on the AEDOK Sub Domained Website, our system we handle the accounting. If you remove or duplicate any such material, once having been established on AEDOK Sub Domained Website, to another location, AEDOK retains said undivided equal interest in all such material and you must do the accounting and provide AEDOK full access to such records.

AEDOK acquires NO rights or ownership to any material never appearing on the AEDOK Sub Domained Website Nor to any physical items themselves which might be referred to by material on said website.

You will be creating an asset that will last longer than your life.

We look forward to your becoming an AEDOK Level 4 Active Member in the AEDOK Organization. We anticipate that we shall both profit from that decision.


Lifetime member

One Final Form Of Membership In The AEDOK Organization is the Lifetime Membership. With lifetime membership in the AEDOK Suitetm of Websites & Domains there are financial benefits which over time can be substantial.

Concisely put:

Upon paying a One-time Lifetime-Membership-Fee of $xxx, said member is entitled to all benefits of members up to and including Level 3 Supporting Membership.

Level 4 Active Membership is not included because it is a more complex business relationship to which the concept of lifetime membership is innappropriate.

Then as long as said member purchases of goods and services throughout a given calendar year are equal or exceed the then current price of Level 2 Membership, there is no renewal fee at the end of that calendar year. That is currently a mere $25. And this is not a $25 fee it is merely an accumulation in purchase you would be making anyway!

This is truly the best deal for both AEDOK and you, the member. You get 100% off on all electron / dital products, in other words free unfettered access, 50% off electron/digital services, a whopping 20% to 40% off on tangible / physical products, depending of course on costs from our suppliers, for a mere $25 purchase (every year) of items that aren't free that you would be purchasing anyway.

This $25 purchase would include the electron / digital services and tangible / physical items that are still 20% to 50% off.

And it gets even better.

Should more than a year laps without the required accumulation in sales equal to the then current price of a Level 2 Membership (currently $25 as we have been saying), then this Lifetime Membership does not expire like the level 2 and level 3, it is merely temporarily suspended as follows.

There are costs in maintaining an account. It is called, among other things, overhead. We attempt to set our Level 2 Participating Member fee above this overhead level. As such, our head would be just above water, so to speak.

Then we establish a maintenance fee which we call the net renewal overhead fee equal to the difference of this overhead and your purchases.

If said net renewal overhead fee is not remitted, membership is suspended with no hard feelings, not terminated. But, upon subsequent payment of said net renewal overhead fee, membership is re-instated with no loss of any benefits.

This net renewal overhead fee is not a penalty and does not incur interest. It is our measure of the overhead required to maintain a membership. It does not accumulate over years like the tag on an automobile in many instances. And please notice, that this net renewal overhead fee is based upon the price of a Level 2 Membership not one of the Level 3 Membership fees. So, upon payment of this net renewal overhead fee which for example would be basically the difference between a Level 2 Participating Membership and your purchases for that year, we are happy to have you back!

However, since there's also overhead in processing a suspended account and maintaining the records, if the member simply maintains the minimum purchase equal to the Level 2 Participating Membership, as we first indicated above, we are happy to call it "even", and maintain the account active knowing that overtime we shall both benefit.

Summary of The Membership Advantages visavi Membership Level

A Level 1 Observer Member occasionally purchases but has no anticipation or plans for substantial involvement and so simply pays-as-he-goes. To all you Level 1 Observer Members, we appreciate you business.

A Level 2 Participating Member also has no anticipation or plans for substantial involvement and so simply pays-as-he-goes, but does so at a sufficient rate that we desire to reward him for his business thru progressive discounts.

A Level 3 Supporting Member does anticipate that he will be purchasing a greater number of goods and services from the AEDOK Suitetm of Websites & Domains and planning ahead, he purchases a Level 3 Supporting Membership to acquire the greater discounts which ostensibly should exceed the cost of membership.

A Lifetime Member has paid a one-time fee to gain Level 3 Discounts by maintain a mimimal Level 2 Activity.

A Level 4 Active Member is a business relationship discussed in detail above.

We invite you to participate and become a member of the AEDOK.org Organization by logging in at:
