SE-clf_ala_com Frameset's, Primary-Secondary-Content-And-User Controls Level 3

The SE referrs to the AEDOK Relational Database Search Engine Frameset. The ala_com means in the manner of where the search engine frameset originates. clf refers to the concept of single page requests and the need to clear all frames and load new ones, which is not discussed here.

Due to the physical positioning of the individual frames in the SE frameset, it is utilized throughout AEDOK without the search engine.

To be discussed here are the primary, secondary, content, and user frames and their headder frames which contain controls. First the location of the control frames with respect to the individual frames which they control, second, the location of the individual frames, being controlled, and finally a modest discussion of the controls in a very general sense.

Location of the Control Frames

The headder frame for the primary frame is immediately above it.

The headder frame for the secondary frame is immediately above it.

The headder frame for the content frame is immediately above it.

The headder frame for the user frame is immediately to it's left.

Location of the Frames Being Controled

The first frame on the far left of your display is the info frame, a vertical frame.

The second frame from the left is the primary frame, a vertical frame, immediately to the right of the info frame, and two(2) frames to the left of where this discussion is being presented.

The third frame from the left is the secondary frame, a vertical frame, immediately to the right of the primary frame, and immediately to the left of where this discussion is being presented.

The fourth frame from the left is the content frame, a large retangular frame, the largest of all the frames, immediately to the right of the secondary frame, and the right most frame where this discussion is being presented.

As stated, the content headder frame is immediately above this frame.

Finally, the user frame is immediately above content headder frame.

Modest Discussion of the Controls in a Very General Sense.

These primary, secondary, and content frames are often used in a cascading manor. A top level menu or list is presented in the primary frame or sometimes the info frame and selections from it are presented in the frame to is right, successively, until some final major content or result is presented in the content frame.

The individual control frames control how the information is presented in their associated frames. Most usually this controlling aspect is either a type of listing such as alpha versus numeric, or such, or it is whether or not certain information is presented, or how such information is presented by default thus giving you the ability to change the default presentation.

Each individual control should have a question(?) or an explanation(!) which upon mouseOver or click displays a complete explanation of its functionality in the topmost frame/window on your display, the administrative frame also called Ktm's window.

The question(?) or an explanation(!) begins bright red to get your attention and notify you of its availability and once clicked (not mouse overed) turns gray so as to not be an unnecessary distraction.