AEDOK PAKITtm: Piecemeal Acquisition of Knowledge Information and Techniques Level 3


  1. Overview

  2. Discussion of Tracking Features & Options vis-á-vis Privacy Issues

  3. Discussion of Display Options

  4. Summary

Section 1: OVERVIEW

Piecemeal Acquisition of Knowledge Information and Techniques (PAKIT) tm is a technique and aspect of AEDOK Dimensionstm under development for collecting knowledge in pieces, ordering it, and then disseminating it, in a manor which keeps the individual aware of both the knowledge and its gradual usually continous increase.

This piecemeal process is actually used by every thinking entity but heretofore not formalized into a workable, reproducible, technique.

Every thinking entity learns, and thus grows intellectually, by acquiring pieces of information, which, abstractly speaking, resemble pieces of a puzzle. Often, an individual piece does not have any apparent value or location within the puzzle. It may be acquired because one is taught that he should acquire it, or because he has learned, and somehow senses, that that particular piece or that particular shape should have value eventually. As time passes and one acquires other pieces which surround this particular piece, one can eventually see it's more precise location within the puzzle.

Before the Internet, a person acquiring such a collection of knowledge would at some point write a report or a book. The purchaser of the book could then presumably acquire the entire collection pre-assembled. There is a deficiency however in this presumption especially in an age of both arrogance and low-level thinking.

Generally speaking it is assumed that the work is essentially complete, the puzzle is fully assembled, whereas, the more mature and higher level thinker realizes that the deeper one looks and the more clearly one sharpens his focused and vision, the more there is to see, not less.

Although some are aware of the fallacy and issue addendums and sometimes revisions, generally as a whole the society considers the work complete and 'moves on' to the next. A concept which at best is foolish and at worst is arrogant. For, there is the eternal 'next book' on the same topic usually by a different author and/or publisher which itself is considered complete. Eventually though, some realize that some books overlap one another and some provide information which the others do not. But due to the impossibility of the action of integration, no one, prior to the Internet, integrates the books, even though compilations such as dictionaries and encyclopedias attempt to do so in some manner.

And yet with the age of the Internet and the technology to do so, no one prior to AEDOK's introduction of PAKITtm has produced a workable system of integration of newly acquired knowledge. Of course there are always continual revisions released but again, to reiterate, no organized, methodical, reproducible, dependable, technique of integration and, critically important dissemination of such knowledge; yet the technology for doing so exist.

Indeed, the most up to date report book or compilation on any topic, is of no value if one does not know it exists or, again critically important, does not have the time to reread the entire compilation to hopefully find what has been changed, added, or deleted.

Or, as is the best attempt to date, a statement such as, '... line 3 paragraph 2 page 21', requiring the individual to scan the document, and himself locate and verify the change which is otherwise not indicated, and also therefore, he would simply not be aware of otherwise.

To make such a assertions as, 'It is the individual's responsibility to engage in due diligence', using such buzzwords and phrases as 'maintaining his contining education', is an insult to the concept of true education and the otherwise honorable act of teaching, itself.

For, using the heretofor barbaric techniques, no one can achieve those goals.

Let us give an example and then show how PAKITtm works.

Suppose one is studying plants. botany or gardening, carrots, nuts, or flowers. He finds a work, the equivalent of a book on such things, and studies about the seeds, the development and growth of, perhaps a specific plant perhaps a group, or perhaps generally.

Does he have the time or the memory, providing he is psychic enough to know that there is a new release of this document, to go back and reread and fill in the blanks in his mind that have been filled by the new release, and make changes that have been changed, and recognize deletions? Absolutely ridiculous to assume he can do so, or even begin to fulfill the requirements for doing so.

But, utilizing proprietary techniques, PAKITtm, through a variety of convenient and unobtrusive user selectable options, advises the user, of, the nature of, and specific location of, changes to said document. Even keeping track of, again with selectable options and the utmost of privacy, those portions read studied or simply scanned figure of speach: eg, ' being pressed for time he only scanned the document.

Thus the user utilizes his time learning not keeping track of what he may or may not have learned!

The initial release of AEDOK PAKITtm 1. 0 has the following features:

* When a PAKITtm document is updated, whether it be a change, an addition, or a deletion, references to those changes additions and deletions are

* established,

* maintained, and

* made user-accessible.

* options exist for the convenient presentation of this additional information.

* user controllable tracking of what has been

* read

* haven't read or

* only scanned.

Section 2: Discussion of the PAKITtm Tracking Features & Options vis-á-vis Privacy Issues

Naturally, with privacy being off most concern there are provisions for disabling or simply diminishing this tracking feature. And because of this importance, let us take the time to discuss in full the nature of these features inline here rather than resorting to our usual technique of using additional Ktm windows.

To begin, we define the term intellectual simply as one using his intellect.

Whether you be 12, or 120, whether you be just starting, or have studied for decades, whether you be self taught, or multiple degrees, the issue is simply whether or not you are thinking.

Now with regard to the AEDOK PAKITtm tracking features, there are three aspects conducive to intellectual activity towit:

The first two PAKITtm tracking features conducive to intellectual activity are the notifications. One may select email notification, persistent notification upon login, both, or neither total disabling.

eMail notification is convenient for a person who is not on the net continually.

persistent notification upon login is convenient for anyone who has more things to remember than he can.

both is convenient for one who wishes to be made aware of updates which he will is examine and/or study at a later time.

neither that is, the option neither is convenient for one who is concerned with privacy issues.

Keep in mind that the AEDOK Suitetm of Websites & Domains is family oriented and we do not traffic in secure information, gossip, or intrigue. No notification received from us should be of concern to anyone except one who is, of course quite rightly, concerned that someone else may be monitoring him, for that someone else's own devious purposes. A concern which, by the way, we fully understand.

More specifically now,the second PAKITtm tracking feature conducive to intellectual activity, the persistent notification upon login, does not mean in your face. This is an unobtrusive, friendly reminder, that there have been updates which may be of interest to you.

Upon reading said updates they can be manually or automatically user selectable, default to auto deleted.

This feature is therefore a means of tracking. A little more detailed than the email notifications, but once the notification has been deleted, no more revealing than the fact that every website server on the planet tracks anonymously user activity.

Finally now, the third PAKITtm tracking feature conducive to intellectual activity is the history.

Undeniably over time, a record of your travels. And whereas one might delete his browser history from time to time, it is counterproductive to delete this PAKITtm history.

Its purpose is to be a long-term learning tool. To indeed show one where he has been and thereby allowing him to fill in the holes.

A sort of intellectual personal log.

Indeed, its developer has kept a personal intellectual log over two(2) score years, allowing him to keep track of (though not nearly is conveniently as PAKITtm shall eventually allow) issues, revelations, problems, and partial solutions, that otherwise would have been lost.

Back on the issue of privacy, we can only reiterate the innocuous nature of AEDOK web pages and information. But of course, only you can decide what is best.

Currently this history is stored in cookies in your browser on your computer. With later releases we intend to make available the option to store this history on our servers, to both minimize your clutter rendering your system fasterand provide for the ability to restore this history should your cookies be deleted inadvertently or otherwise.

Again, looking forward, another capability under development which shall be made possible by utilizing PAKITtm history is a more functional revisit of prior web pages to replace these ridiculous linear lists that web browsers use.

The closest example to this absurdity in physical life we can think of at the moment is to take a complex tour of the state or nation in which you live, crisscrossing and over crossing your own paths, and record your travels in a linear list. Then at various points backtrack and attempt to reconstruct from this linear list, when you were going forward, when you were going backward, or when you were going sideways, and even more importantly why, so that you could, let us say, find numerous things that you lost along the way.

And a even further forward and indeed exciting, a capability to be made possible under development: In later versions we intend to have multi-dimensional mapping of mankind's knowledge, which can then be compared to the one's individual multi-dimensional map, thus rendering the ability to direct one's education, study, and interests more effectively.

Therefore, we hope that you will participate and utilize AEDOK PAKITtm our first implemented aspect of AEDOK Dimensionstm.

Discussion of PAKITtm Display Options

The display of AEDOK PAKITtm Ver 1.0 update information utilizes four(4) seperate frames, ie, subwindows of a page. what we refer to as the primary-index window, the secondary-index window, Ktm's window, and the content window[NEED LINKS] . The following discussion assumes default settings, but there are numerous alternate user-selectable settings to maximize utilization to closer fit your personality and requirements.

  1. Overview of Four(4) Windows
  2. Detail of Four(4) Windows
  3. Overview of Interaction of Four(4) Windows
  4. Detail of Interaction of Four(4) Windows

Overview of Four(4) Windows

Window 1: The document you've selected, the source document, appears to the right in the largest window, the content window.

Window 2: The PAKITtm update summary information appears to the left in the primary index window.

Window 3: The PAKITtm update synopsis information appears in between the above type-list and the source document, in the secondary index window.

Window 4: The PAKITtm update detail information appears in Ktm's window.[NEED CORRECT IMAGE]

Detail of Four(4) Windows

Window 1: The document you've selected, the source document, appears to the right in the largest window, the content window.

Feature: Upon first time viewing source document, page begins at top of document. To provide immediate reading.

Feature: Upon subsequent viewing of source document, page begins at first update since last viewing. To assess the update.

Window 2: The PAKITtm update summary information appears to the left in the primary index window as a list of very short, brief, change-types of updates and links directly to the affected portion of the source document.

Feature: This allows for single line maximum utilization of the page height.

Window 3: The PAKITtm update synopsis information appears in between the above type-list and the source document, in the secondary index window as a list of explanations of each update and again links directly to the affected portion of the source document.

Feature: information often sufficiently comprehensive to bypass the details.

Window 4: The PAKITtm update detail information appears in Ktm's window.

Feature: Complete elucidation of the change.

Overview of Interaction of Four(4) Windows

Athough upon first observation it may appear that these techniques perhaps consist of redundancy which in fact they do, keep in mind that one combination of electrons is virtually no more expensive than another, all combinations are virtually of the same cost, and besides, we're not trying to conserve them, we're trying to utilize them efficiently with regard to our ultimate goals, towit: trying to conserve your energy which otherwise results in fatigue.

Providing more information than you need is not a drawback whereas providing less information than you need is a failure.

To minimize finger clicking, wrist motion, and eye movement, retraining, and focus, we seek to provide as much useful information as possible generally within the same visual area.

Detail of Interaction of Four(4) Windows

The intended operation therefore is as follows:

Upon your selecting a document containing PAKITtm information, said document loads in the content window essentially in the center of the screen actually just a little to the right of center.

An efficiently packed column of one line updates appears to the left. Since it's not in your face, if it's of no interest you simply ignore it, rather than have to click it away.

But if it is of interest, simply mouse over this compact primary list, and more detailed summary information appears to its right, as a secondary list, indeed closer to the document of interest.

Notice, the mouse over item's synopsis appears at the top of this secondary list. Naturally, if you desire to look down this secondary list you may. But, as you move the mouse down this primary list without actually having to look at it, since you don't have to click, this secondary list automatically scrolls up, with no need of a wrist action and eye retraining to find the scroll bar! So you don't have to move your eyes, but a fraction, and your wrist also virtually none.

Also bear in mind that during this entire operation you are not dragging the mouse, which would require holding the mouse down and therefore fatiguing your finger muscles, but rather, you are for all intents and purposes resting your hand on your mouse.

Now, if you want to examine the detal of the item in the secondary list at the top of the list, all you have to do is click on the primary list where your mouse already is without having to retrain your eye to find the link because if the item you're looking at is at the top of the secondary list then your mouse is already over the link in the primary list.

The source document on the right will automatically reposition to the location of the update. very close to where your eyes are already positioned.

The detail of the update appears in Ktm's window at the top of the screen, a little further away, but not that far. We use a smaller print so often the detail will appear in its entirety without your need of wrist action to scroll it. And, since it is already out of the way you don't have to close it.

For consistency of discussion, we have defaulted to Ktm's window but you may select to have this detail information appear in the user window which is in between the document and Ktm's window (if you have not collapsed it).

But if you have selected to have this detail information appear in the user window and have collapsed the user window then this detail information will appear in Ktm's window anyway.

Section 4: Summary of PAKITtm

The purpose of PAKITtm per se, is to provide information, and the purpose of the numerous techniques we use, our plethora of options, and indeed much of what we do at AEDOK is to enhance learning. Specifically in this case by a combination of reduction of muscle activity and eye movement, retraining, and refocus, otherwise resulting in physical fatigue, and a minimization of distraction from the necessity of closing unneeded windows, otherwise resulting in mental fatigue.

And we know ahead of time that many of the options we will provide and the tedious variations, may appear at first hand to be overkill.

But the world we live in and the lives we live are extremely rich in variation. and to pretend that this variation in information presentation (which describes this richly varried world) doesn't exist, because we are simply too lazy to figure out how to represent it, is in fact anti-intellectual.

And once you have adjusted the options to suit your liking, those you have ignored or discounted are inconsequential. But at the same time, you always have the ability to fine tune.

Naturally there will be bugs and deficiencies of which we hope you feel free to advise us, for the enhancement of us all.

Finally, we will not be PAKITtmizing existing documents. There are literally millions of documents in the world and we would not know where to begin. We shall begin by PAKITtmizing documents created at AEDOK, our sister companies, and most importantly our intellectual community of members.

We invite you to participate.

Thank you for utilizing AEDOK PAKITtm our first implemented aspect of AEDOK Dimensionstm.