It's one thing to share a link with a friend for free. Websites love it. Word-of-mouth is powerful.
It's quite another to get a referral fee. Yet, some major websites give a paultry $1 fee if you refer a friend. That too is great for the website. Years of revenue from a customer for which they paid you $1. That is a great deal!
For them. Not you.
At AEDOK we want your business. We want your loyalty. But how do we attain that?
After the War Of Independence (of the United States of America) when John Adams was ambassidor to England, before he became President as our 2nd President, the Queen said to him, "It is rumored that you do not have much loyalty to France."
To which he replied, "I have loyalty only to my own country".
To which the Queen replied, "An honest man would have it no other way."
So, be honest. A person's first loyalty is, and indeed should be, to himself. By referring customers to the
"What action?", you ask.
That, my friends, is the beauty of