Uniformity of Literary Style Level 3

At AEDOK, to enhance communication and thus education, we strive for uniformity. We shall discuss uniformity of sentence and paragraph style here. Uniformity is not the same is conformity.

From concise definitions, through various levels of opinion, all the way to outright speculation, various styles represent the variety and diversity of knowledge which mankind possesses. Indeed, Dimensionstm has sprung from the realization that the universe of the ideas is not flat!

And PAKITtm which is an acronym for piecemeal acquisition of knowledge information and techniques, is a technique we have created to capture this diversity.

But without uniformity within various segments of a document, the worst case would be as though each sentence and sometimes various clauses within, were written by a different person, of random background, origin, education, culture and prospective. Without uniformity, or with some non-uniformity, there is a choppy, herky jerky feeling. And in some of these cases, these sentences or paragraphs are at best confusing and at worst uninterpretable. By contrast, with uniformity there is a smoothness in the flow and sometimes even a rhythm, These things are conducive to a better understanding of the relationships of the components within.

Regrettably we have not yet had time to formulate a thorough discussion, as we shall do here when we have the time.

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