We all know what a hyperlink looks like, colored text with a colored underline. We use black underlines to simply stress text, and hyperlinks Ktm are colored traditionally. We've chosen underline rather than italicizing which some use for stressing text, because italics are better used for words which have taking on a broader meaning, such as about, and help and the plethora of other words used in computer contexts and the Internet.
Although there is sometimes minor confusion as it might appear that an underlined word is supposed to be hyperlinked but not functioning, generally we stress only single words and in context it can be resolved with only minor thought.
But anyone who has surfed knows that you can get lost and/or go in circles following hyperlinks. So at AEDOK, a hyperlink ending with a red superscripted tildi(
) means you'll be able to back up with either your browser back button or the AEDOK provided back button, and if you follow only tildi(
)s, you will not go in a circle and will eventually reach a dead end. Once fully implemented, there will also be a super back button to return you to where you started with the first tildi(
A redKtm or Ktm2 or Ktm3, etc, is our little bookworm, K, hyperlinked providing you with a more in-depth analysis. And a number following the K is a broad indication of the depth. The greyish TM of course means trademark.
* A Ktm1 which we simply display as Ktm (without the numeral 1) is generally a sentence or a short paragraph explaining or showing something.
* A Ktm2 is generally a Ktm1 paragraph followed by a brief analysis of what was presented in that paragraph.
* A Ktm3 is generally a more comprehensive yet still concise analysis.
* A Ktm4 is generally a lengthy analysis or meandering which can go anywhere intellectually.
But again no circles, providing there is a tildi(
). The page will either appear in the main window like a normal hyperlink (from which you should be able to back out) or in Ktm 's multipurpose window at the top right of the page, out of the way, not in your face, and it automatically closes. To activate the link you may click or simply mouseover and the information will automatically appear.
A red asterix(*) aka star, often used for footnotes, is indeed a hyperlinked footnote but it will be displayed in Ktm 's multipurpose window at the top right of the page, out of the way, not in your face, and it automatically closes. You may click or simply mouseover and the information will automatically appear. Due to their brevity they seldom have any links and we avoid circular ones, so we do not clutter the screen with a trailing tildi(
), like this*
which is visually quite choppy. Whereas, this method* without a trailing tildi, we think you will agree, is a smoother visual presentation of the text.
Superscripted text, non hyperlinked like this and also like this is also a footnote but usually of such short length to allow in-line placement with very little impediment to the narration flow. But if it is underlined, then it's hyperlinked to provide even more narration, similar to a Ktm1. If it's red we deem it important, otherwise we leave it black to avoid unnecessary distraction. Though such placement is slightly inconsistent with the literal meaning of footnote, it is in keeping with the spirit, and doesn't even require a mouseover much less a click, while providing yet another dimension of information presentation.
The main difference between a hyperlinked footnote (either star or text) and Ktm
(deadend), is that all Ktm tends to diverge from the topic at hand and can go fairly deep but neither footnotes nor deadends go in circles.
And there is a fine line between a footnote and a parenthetical expression (such as this one). But suffice it to say that we also use the above mentioned in-line footnote technique in complex sentences with multiple commas for additional parenthetical expressions, where such expressions could render the reading difficult, because, interestingly, by reducing the size of the print of the would-be parenthetical expression and putting it above or below, it sometimes has a partitioning effect on the flow of the sentence, and seems to render it more easily comprehendible.
Finally, most hyperlinks whether they lead away from or somewhere within the AEDOK Suite tm of Websites & Domains, first pass through the TodoitQ tm, which gives the user control over when to view the hyperlink's content. Said hyperlink then passes through the Spawn tm controls, which gives the user control over where to view the hyperlink's content.
Naturally, in keeping with our policy of user control over his own intellect, both the TodoitQ tm, and the Spawn tm controls are chock full of user controllable options and defaults, which one can either ignore because we strive to establish reasonable defaults, or which one can adjust to his liking and subsequently ignore, or which one can change at will because one's moods affects his perceptions.
In summary, knowing our techniques ahead of time, encourages you to follow those easier links now, and que the more involved ones of interest to you, rather than putting off (in the usual manner) and subsequently forgetting or not being able to find them, and all along being assured that you will not be diverted now to long, or even get lost.
Thus you can learn more in a shorter period of time.
One of the beauties of the way we plan at AEDOK is that although what you have just read seems complicated, yet because it is ordered in a manner which is reasonable, one need not concern himself with memorizing it! All that is important is that one understands what he reads when he is reading it. Subsequently, it shall become intuitive. Memorization is not the key, understanding is the key. Society has overlooked this, and teaches things backward.
By taking the effort now, there are rewards which exceed the value of the effort expended. But by being lazy now, there are expenses which exceed the value of the effort saved.
As time passes we shall strive to incorporate conveniences generally available through increased technique and technology, as well as any improvisions we can conjure.
AEDOK maintains an up-to-date
with concise summaries to be found in the administrative section. For your convenience, a direct link is placed in the system TodoitQtm found on the left of your screen under our logo. Whenever we update these display techniques, the system TodoitQtm is updated as well as PAKITtm Notify. The link is also directly available in the user window.
If you experience any difficulties, please advise us through the technical problems link at the bottom of the page in which you experience the difficulty. Each page automatically knows its own name, so you need not be concerned with that tedious point, and can concentrate on the problem.