Thus AEDOK has linked together a conglomerate of our own commercial activities (the sub domains of com) which directly support our intellectual activities (some sub domains of org) and another

conglomerate of individually independent commercial activities, not related to one another or even AEDOK itself and over which we have no direct control, thus an organization (being most of the sub domains of org) but which share some of the goals of AEDOK as discussed in mission, and Open Invitation to the Intellectuals of the World and

which still indirectly support our intellectual activities in org by way of the revenues generated thru our business relationship with them and their willingness to work with and support us, and yet another

conglomerate of individually independent commercial activities, not related to one another or even AEDOK itself and over which we have no direct control, thus a network (being most of the sub domains of net) and which concern themselves only with their own goals, but

which still indirectly support our intellectual activities in org by way of the revenues generated thru our business relationship with them but not by any intent on their part.

Though these relationships may sound somewhat complex, and for example the individual mission statements of the various AEDOK components speak of their own smaller purposes, the fact is the sole purpose of com, org & net are to provide revenue to support AEDOK's mission. is AEDOK's multidimensional search engine, an intelligent access to the World Wide Web. is AEDOK's Archive for Education and Dissemination Of Knowledge, with its own multi-dimensional index.

Of course, you can get to any function from any of the subdomains, so we ask that you enter your first time via the subdomain that has drawn you to AEDOK, such that that entity properly receive credit for your patronage. Subsequently, enter by the most convenient means and adjust your start page preferences to minimize navigation.


Thank you for visiting AEDOK, the Archive for Education and Dissemination Of Knowledge. It is our intention that with the passage of time we shall constantly improve techniques for archiving, educating and disseminating the knowledge of mankind, first by utilizing techniques already known to mankind, second by applying them intelligently, with order in mind not chaos, and third by developing new techniques ourselves and through our relationships with others, so as to bring the standards and quality of access to mankind's knowledge up to the level appropriate for the current century.

For, to name just one significant example of this deficiency, the current level of quality of information presentation of sites purporting to be leaders in the Internet itself is appalling. Worthy of a D on the older style ABCDF scale, they bring to mind a high school book report due on Friday written on Thursday night.

AEDOK's details this problem and our innovative solution allowing beginners and seasoned professional alike to lay out their knowledge and experience, to be processed, dissected, ordered and assembled (assimilated) according to our deep understanding of the multi-dimensional layering aspects of knowledge. Please read it next for a thorough understanding of how we plan to achieve our mission and how important it is for you to have a part.

Everyone is invited to participate for both esteem and monetary gain as we will have numerous formats minimizing restrictions on creativity, while maximizing our assimilation capability of your knowledge.

We hope that each of you do participate, in whatever way best suits your personality, in this wonderful learning process called ... life.

August E. Drews
Founder AEDOK
2014.12.14-10:00 CST