AEDOK Web Divisions, Modus operanda
To accomplish AEDOK's mission we have divided our web activities into three main groups associated with the three main internet groupings com, org & net.
The com domains which includes the main domain and its various subdomains, (such as for example
in planning, concern themselves with financial support of AEDOK in general, though some are sister companies closely related, but legally separate entities, some which concern themselves primarily with their own support. Because their main concern is financial support of AEDOK rather than mission support, in general those but
(AEDOK's search engine) do not purport to actively engage in the AEDOK one-line
(having their own missions of smaller purposes), but none of them shall violate it.
A conglomerate of commercial enterprises. Thus: "com".
All subdomains (including, our search engine) are either a part of and under direct control of AEDOK or are a sister company but often legally separate from AEDOK.
Any and all can be reached by entry via another, so one may access them individually, directly, via their own sub domain, as is the intention of the design of the World Wide Web, but then quickly navigate to any other.
The org domains which includes the main domain and its various subdomains (such as for example
concern themselves with some form of intellectual activity working in concert with the mission of AEDOK (this document). and are a part of and are under the direct control of AEDOK, whereas the other subdomains are generally (though not always) legally separate entities. These other entities may have websites of their own of which we have no part, or may be sponsored by AEDOK as members of the Organization. By being subdomains of they can utilize the web hosting, support facilities and other services of in pursuit of their goals which (to reiterate) in some way support the mission of AEDOK.
An organization of intellectual activities. Thus "org".
Though we have respect for the individual enterprises represented by the individual subdomains of, and we may have provided web hosting, support facilities and other services to them, and we may receive revenue from them, they are (except for, the web support facilities,, the actual AEDOK archive,, and other projects when completed) legality separate entities over which AEDOK has no control.
Any and all can be reached by entry via another, so one may access them individually, directly, via their own sub domain as is the intention of the design of the World Wide Web, but then quickly navigate to any other.
The net domains which includes the main domain and its various subdomains (such as for example, primarily concern themselves with their own goals and activity with no relationship whatsoever to the mission of AEDOK. and are a part of and are under the direct control of AEDOK, whereas the other subdomains are generally (though not always) legally separate entities. These other entities may have websites of their own of which we have no part, or may be sponsored by AEDOK as members of the Network. By being subdomains of they can utilize the web hosting, support facilities and other services of in pursuit of their goals which (to reiterate) may bear no direct relationship to nor support the mission of AEDOK.
A network of a plethora of activities. Thus "net".
Though we have a business relationship with the individual enterprises represented by the individual subdomains of, and we may have provided web hosting, support facilities and other services to them, and we may receive revenue from them, they are (except for, the web support facilities, and, an alternate entry, and numerous other experimental subdomains) legality separate entities over which AEDOK has no control.
Any and all can be reached by entry via another, so one may access them individually, directly, via their own sub domain as is the intention of the design of the World Wide Web, but then quickly navigate to any other.