Definition of AEDOK Term spr Level 2
Single page request (spr) is AEDOK terminology for a surfer's clicking on a single web page from, say a search engine or book mark, as compared to a click to a complete website. It is the action by a surfer that results in the action by the website commonly referred to as self locating.
Simply put, the meaning of self locating is that when a surfer clicks on a page, again say from a search engine, he gets an entire website not just that page.
Further, contextually self locating is AEDOK terminology for going a step further and loading additional information, pages, or frames which help to establish the context inwhich the original page the single page request was originally designed for and intended to be found or located in. For example, there may be pictures or other discussion, foot notes, or reference material that, in a manor of speaking, belongs with the page.
Though self location is becoming common, contextually self location is a bit more complex, as one can not just load the page into a hodge-podge setting, but rather, must examine and understand the page and it's contextual requirements.
All pages in the AEDOK Suitetm of Websites & Domains are intended to be contextually self locating. For example, If you are viewing this page because you found it in a search or bookmark, then you are viewing it in the larger AEDOK content window frame toward the right-center of your screen, whereas, if you are viewing this page as a result of a click from with the AEDOK Suitetm of Websites & Domains, you are most likely viewing it in Ktm's window, the smaller window at the top of all AEDOK pages, designed just for viewing such things as, definitions, terms, and briefer explanations such as this.