A Million Fuzzy Opinions Level 2

A collection of opinions of the same vein is not per se sufficient reason to make a change. Clearly if a hundred people in a short period of time expressed the opinion, for example, that a certain page is difficult to use, cumbersome, awkward, etc., then to ignore such would be foolish. But the collection itself does not mean that it is. Nor can one go strictly by percentage say, 100 out of 500 vs 100 out of 5,000,000, though again, the larger the percentage the more indicative of some problem.

But on the other hand, just one factual statement such as for example, "This page is awkward because ...", if properly worded and correctly represents the facts, the truth, is alone sufficient to make the change.

When customer service / support or anyone abandons clear thinking and reasoning, in favor of a statistical analysis of chaotic opinions, what but chaos itself can ensue?